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Thursday 8 October 2015

Reading Books - A Great Habit

                We come across many people in our daily life but very few people we met are fond of reading books or we can say they have habits of reading.Reading have the capacity to do miracles in your life, it can transform your life in a way you can't even imagine.Its a great habit.If we see the life of great people from history, everyone have the one common habit of reading books.They were simple common men in their early life but they became capable in later stages of life with the continuous improvement of their knowledge and wisdom through reading habits. 
          If you want your children will become great citizens then you have to build their reading habits as early as possible start from their childhood.Take them to library and get the children books issued to them and always sit with them and help them reading books.Always encourage children to read books on daily basis and make their reading timetable and help them to follow reading timetable.
        Always attend book fares and gift books on birthday and on different occasions.If you read a particular book, share your positive feedback with your friends and colleagues so that someone will get inspired for reading books.Always promote books you like by making use of social networking sites.We can transform our youth through books.
      Best of Luck  -  Happy reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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