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Friday 13 November 2015

Is it really that matters in life - wealth creation

      Few days ago i was reading the last message of Apple's Founder "Steve jobs" in which he tried to teach us the value of wealth in our life. He wrote that we used all our life skills to generate and accumulate wealth which means we want to enjoy life's riches with that wealth.But according to him there are more important things which are more valuable for us than money on which we never concentrate in our life in the hurry to generate more and more wealth.
           He said we have invaluable things in life which we cant buy and even we cant afford to buy if we are rich if they will go out of someone's life. For example - health, love and affection of loved ones, trust , happiness and family time etc.  
        If we apply our concentration that money is just a object to transfer or exchange things.It is designed to make our life easy but we make our life complicated in the race of accumulation of money.If we see the life with the eyes of great Apple  Founder then we find that money can buy a replacement of driver for your car in place of yourself but money is helpless to replace a person instead of you when you are sick.You always have to deal with your sickbed by yourself.So why we always give more importance to money than health?
         Always focus on the God's blessings in our life and enjoy them. Always enjoy healthy life with your family, friends and relatives.Focus on your hobbies along with your journey of money making life.Always help others who are in need, it always make your life beautiful.Do charity according to your financial health.Share your skills with other people and try to help them in their success.
    Always think about the things which you cant buy with money.Wealth is important in life but it is not the most important in life than your spouse and your children.It is on us how we use it. So  generate sufficient wealth to afford a good lifestyle for you and your family with which  you can pass your life with happiness.Do not spoil your whole life in generating wealth and at the end you have no time left to do the great things in life which are more valuable than
Money in every individual's life.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Book Reading Club - Kulwant Singh Grewal

                  Now a days I am reading books called - Economics : The user's guide written by "HA-Joon Chang" who is a teacher of Economics at Cambridge University.He won the Wassily Leontief prize for advancing the frontiers of Economic thought and is a vocal critic of the failures of our current economic system.This is a good book to read for someone who is interested in economics and want to understand the worldwide economic activities and their impact or influence on our life.
         Few days ago when i was searching some books on worldwide economics, I came across this beautiful piece of work at local library.I am recommending this book to read because this book is written in a very simple language and it explain historical worldwide economic activities of our world history and the economic motives of different countries to take over the control of different nations in the British rule era or even before that.
          So after reading book, reader will get insight into economic outcomes of various historical events.This also narrates the relation of economics activities in other parts of world with our daily life and explain its impact on our life.

I will share different books which are good for reading on different subjects in different languages.If you are a reader and fond of books then you can follow my blog to get updates on different books, my thoughts and articles on different subjects.Follow me on

Thursday 8 October 2015

Reading Books - A Great Habit

                We come across many people in our daily life but very few people we met are fond of reading books or we can say they have habits of reading.Reading have the capacity to do miracles in your life, it can transform your life in a way you can't even imagine.Its a great habit.If we see the life of great people from history, everyone have the one common habit of reading books.They were simple common men in their early life but they became capable in later stages of life with the continuous improvement of their knowledge and wisdom through reading habits. 
          If you want your children will become great citizens then you have to build their reading habits as early as possible start from their childhood.Take them to library and get the children books issued to them and always sit with them and help them reading books.Always encourage children to read books on daily basis and make their reading timetable and help them to follow reading timetable.
        Always attend book fares and gift books on birthday and on different occasions.If you read a particular book, share your positive feedback with your friends and colleagues so that someone will get inspired for reading books.Always promote books you like by making use of social networking sites.We can transform our youth through books.
      Best of Luck  -  Happy reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!