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Monday 12 November 2012

Stress reduction .....must for healthy life

                      Stress reduction ; both at home and at a workplace , is a must.Meditation,music,giving and getting love and respect from children, contentment in life, learning to forgive and keeping pets at home are a few ways through which one can combat stress.
                      Make sure you are sleeping for 8 hours at night as various studies have shown that less than 6 hours of shut-eye time can put you at great risk of diabetes like diseases.Also, avoid sleeping too much, as sleeping too long because of sleep apnea is also linked to diabetes.So Be happy always, help others and try to make others happy.Do the things which provide you satisfaction.Do exercise daily.Work on your hobbies to be happy.Do what you want and what is necessary.Do things on time as things we don't do on time create unnecessary stress in your life.
                   So life is a beautiful gift of God to us, enjoy it.We all are a beautiful creation of God.So treat all with brotherly attitude.Always be happy and do the things which makes our society more beautiful to live.By doing the work which is helpful in improving society, we are on a way to reduce our own stress and in lives of our brother and sisters of society and in general we are working on overall improvement in our surroundings to reduce stress.Be STRESS FREE ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yoga is a best treatment for the stress reduction.
    You can do the yoga workout at home easily to control your stress condition.
    It has excellent result to beat the stress, depression, and anxiety.

    Maitland Fitness
