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Friday 6 April 2012

Secrets to Becoming a happier Person

Thinking is so natural to u that it is very easy to forget it.When u start to recognize that you are actively thinking you will be shocked at how often the content of your thinking is negative.Your experience of life is directly related to where you choose to focus your attention.If you focus on your thoughts of problems,your experience office will consist mainly of problems.As you learn to move your focus of attention away from the problems and wrongs of the world and your life, you will find noticing more beauty and kindness. YOU CAN CHOOSE LOVE INSTEAD OF FEAR - Each time negative thoughts enter your mind, you are at a new choice point in your life.You can choose to follow your negative internal dialogue as you have done in the past.This is the path many people take, most of the time it seems like a reasonable thing to do because it is so familiar to do.Infact ,rarely do you even know the internal dialogue is going on.There is another way,your choice point is that moment when your internal dialogue began.You had a brief moment to decide," Do I follow these thoughts or do I choose to stay in a feeling of love." What does it mean to' choose love'?This means that you decide that feeling peace and contentment is more important to you than being right.It means instant resolution rather than ongoing struggle. It means feeling happy rather than feeling frustrated.Choosing love means you understand that the simple, peaceful feeling of your healthy functioning is enough for you- it represents everything you ultimately want in your life.The only rational for choosing to follow negative train of thoughts would be misconception on your part that doing so would bring some sort of satisfaction.It won't ! The satisfaction you are looking for is available to you only when you consciously decide that you want peace of mind at that moment and that you are willing to give up the thoughts that keeps you away from it.The only thing you have to do to discover your healthy functioning is to drop the thinking that is getting in the way. Choosing love is not denial.You are consciously deciding not to feed the only fuel your pain has to eat.when you stop feeding your negative thinking your emotional pain disappears and with the disappearance comes a new feeling within you the feeling of a healthy psychological functioning,the feeling of love.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

What Happens To Your Thinking When You Are In Low Mood

The quality of your thinking suffers greatly when you are in low mood.When you feel bad, it is absolutely predictable that you will think in a negative way.The lower your mood,the more intense will be your negative thoughts.The thoughts about your life when you are experiencing a low mood will be very different from the thoughts you will have when you are experiencing a higher mood.In low moods your thinking is always dark and pessimistic.If you look into your past when you are low you will see a painful past,your life will seem to have been a waste.If you look towards a future, your life will appear hopeless.Interestingly, When you look to your past when your mood is higher,it appears far happier than it did in a lower mood.The same is true with regards to your future.The higher the mood, the more hopeful it appears.
                          Low moods aren't really problems in and of themselves. Of course they're difficult, and no one likes them, but they can't harm you if you know whats going on. The real problem is the thinking and mental activity that accompany the low mood.Ignoring the negative thoughts you have while you are in low mood is not denial, nor is it dangerous or irresponsible.Your problems, if they are real will still be there when your mood goes up.The only difference will be that you will be more equipped to solve them.
                  Its your understanding that  moods are a natural fact of life that will bring you out of a low mood.Accepting the fact that you are low, but at the same time realizing that your mood will rise on its own, allows the darkness to lift.The truth is, you don't have to do anything.In fact,the less you do the better off you'll be.Your mood will begin to lift as you stop paying attention to all that you think about when you are low, and you begin to ignore the thoughts and feelings you are having.Don't make the mistake of believing you will become a pathetic if you implement this understanding in your life.Far from it.As your mood lifts, you will become far more immersed and more present in your life.Any Real problem you may have will most certainly still be there, but you will be far more equipped to deal with them.You are not ignoring your life or problems, your are simply ignoring your distorted thinking.