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Saturday 12 May 2012

Happiness - state of mind

Happiness is a state of mind in which we feel on top of the world and we live our life in this state to its full extent.Sometimes we feel unhappy because we link our happiness to certain type of conditions, and we feel we become happy after their fullfillment but it's only our thought process, reality is quite different.When one condition fulfilled another arises. For example we think we will be happy if  my son will get 90% marks then I will be happy but when he achieve this , then at once a new thought comes into your mind that if my son will get admission into MBBS then it's a life changing for our entire family then we start pushing him to achieve that goal for your happiness ,this means we will never be happy by achieving anything in this world until unless we free our happiness from the conditions of achievements.Most people make the mistake that they will become happy if i have................,but you can earn more money, get a new job , solve a problem, get a degree, get married, or acquire something you have always wanted, yet still feel unsatisfied.The reason for this is that happiness exists independently of your circumstances ; its a feeling that you can learn to live in.
                                    Happiness is a state of mind which is always present in our mind and we can experience it only by enjoying present moments of life. Always live in present and enjoy the small small Moments, life create for us to enjoy which are priceless. Happiness can be achieved by living and enjoying the present moments. So be live in present and enjoy life 's precious moments and achieve your happiness.Regardless of how good your life gets and how many of your dreams come true, you will still have to make the decision to be happy.You will still have to make the commitment.There is no way to happiness, Happiness is the way !